Terms & Conditions

  • As of 2025.

Obligations of Gus & Friends:

  • Gus & Friends shall look after the dog to the best of their needs and shall inform the owner at pick-up of any major issues or incidents that have occurred during the day. 

  • In case of illness or injury, Gus & Friends will react in the dog’s best interest, which means Gus & Friends may contact a veterinarian and/or the authorities first and the owner second. The owner is fully liable for any and all costs of the treatment and any other costs and expenses incurred by Gus & Friends or a third party and shall immediately reimburse any payment. 

  • Gus & Friends is granted the right to refuse dogs who display aggressive behaviour towards other dogs.

  • Gus & Friends is granted the right to withdraw from the contract without notice due to health and/or behaviour issues that arise in any dog at any time.

  • Gus & Friends is covered by professional liability insurance.

Obligations of the owner:

  • The owner assumes all risks, dangers, obligations and responsibilities to the named dog.

  • The owner is solely and fully responsible and liable for all damages and costs the dog inflicts on other animals, objects or persons. 

  • The owner must have personal liability insurance that covers any and all damages caused by the dog.

  • The owner acknowledges and accepts that the following conditions apply: 

    i. The dog must be minimum 5 months old, under 20kgs, enjoy walking outdoors, able to be in a social environment, respond to their name, have basic leash training and not be aggressive towards other living beings. 

    ii. The dog must be free from any infectious illness, chipped and registered by Amicus.

    iii. The dog must be vaccinated with standard combination vaccine as well as kennel cough.

    iv. Female dogs must not be in heat (if in heat, the dog is required to stay at home). 

  • The owner must promptly and in advance inform Gus & Friends if any of the conditions in clauses i. to iv. above are not met and about any health issues and/or allergies their dog may have.

  • The owner understands and accepts that, if any of the condition/s mentioned in the clauses above is/are not met at drop-off, Gus & Friends has the right to refuse to care for the dog and cancel the service. Any and all exceptions to the foregoing must be expressly agreed on between the owner and Gus & Friends.

  • The owner shall provide Gus & Friends with any food, medication, and/or special items/equipment (collar, harness) needed by the dog and the necessary instructions related thereto. Tap water as well as equipment for the day (leashes, beds, coats, treats) shall be provided by Gus & Friends.


  • By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you give permission to Gus & Friends for the transport of dogs.

  • By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you give permission to Gus & Friends for taking pictures of your dog and posting these pictures on our website and/or social media accounts for promotional purposes. You acknowledge that these pictures may include images of your dog.

  • Subscriptions will not be paused during public holidays. We opted for a more generous amount of free daycare every year to include public holidays in this price and facilitate the invoicing process as public holidays fall on different days of the week every year.

  • Subscriptions will automatically be paused if Gus & Friends closes for holidays which are always announced 2 months in advance.

  • To cancel your subscription, you must provide 30 days notice before the beginning of the month in which you wish the cancellation to take effect. Cancellations always take effect at the beginning of the month. Example: If you want to cancel your subscription effective December 1st, you must notify us by November 1st to meet the 30 day notice requirement.

  • Cancellation policy for other services: free cancellation up to 3 days prior to the scheduled stay. Any cancellations made after that will result in an invoicing of the total price. Example: If you want to cancel a service scheduled for November 5th, you must notify us by November 2nd to meet the 3 day notice requirement.

  • Pick-up or drop-off outside of the scheduled hours will result in a fee of CHF15.